What We Do
We make and distribute all kinds of videos. Short ones, long ones, educational, fundraising and public service—all inspiring and loaded with impact. We participate in major government and corporate announcements, achieve success in raising nonprofit donations during a down economy, help associations show membership how hard they are working and honor great people getting awards.
Because we are a visual organization, the best way we can explain what we can do for your organization is to show you!
Changing Attitudes: Hire a Veteran
Research, Concept, Production and Distribution
“The “Hire a Veteran” campaign was a measurable success because of Washington Independent Productions. They know how to affect change through
a communications approach built on in-depth research, targeted strategies, collaboration, and quality production—and they have metrics to prove it. For more than 10 years, they’ve been my trusted advisor to get information to the right people, in the right way, at the right time.”Emily Oehler, Lead Associate, Strategy and Organization, Booz | Allen | Hamilton
Washington Independent Productions researched and developed the US Army’s Warrior Transition Command (WTC)’s Hire a Veteran campaign. From concept to production and media outreach, we’ve supported the WTC in debunking common myths to improve wounded veteran employment rates. From the innovative movie-like trailer for social media distribution, to starting discussions with employers both on and off-line, streaming the news conference, and digital distribution to television station newsrooms, Washington Independent Productions helped launch an effort that will hopefully knock down current myths about wounded veterans, and increase veteran employment.
Additional Elements Produced by WIP for this Project
Hillel Renaissance Award
Script and Production
“Sue Stolov is an excellent documentary film maker who gets to the heart of her story and takes you along on an amazing journey, totally captivating her audience with touching emotion and incredible joy.”
Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg
Making award videos shown at meetings and conferences is something we have done for many years for repeat clients. In this video, The Hillel Foundation honored their Renaissance Award Recipient, Senator Lautenberg, for a lifetime of service. The video was the highlight of their annual fundraising gala as it conveyed how this great man impacted our lives.
Advocating for Change:
Innovation Generating Impact
Script and Production
“Working with Washington Independent Productions gives you peace of mind. You know it will be done right, you can turn the whole project over to them with minimal supervision and the end product will be exactly what you wanted. Quite frankly, working with them, gives me more time to work with my clients.”
Jeff Rosenberg, Rosenberg Communications
Most projects come with a challenge and that is probably why we like doing what we do. The challenge here was to make a video with a limited non-profit budget that would look innovative and big on the screen and could explain to lawmakers, local governments, funders and grant providers, what the National Fund for Workforces Solutions is and how it impacts local economies, in a way that would strike a chord with the audience.
We’d love to tell you more like……
How our fundraising video for a medical association helped them raise four times as much money as they had been doing before, exceeding their goal of 2.5 million dollars for research during a down economy, or about our PSA’s featuring teenagers for the Federal Trade Commission resulted in more than 100 calls a day to their hotline, and how hundreds of fathers have learned how to be a better father as a result of our HHS Head Start videos.