How Oscar Nominee Spotlight Can Teach Your Organization To Make Better Videos

At our office every once in a while we have a movie day where we essentially play hooky and go to the movies together and then we hash out what story lines or production techniques worked and didn’t over coffee afterwards. It counts as a working day and here is why. Sometimes stellar movies offer […]

Oh No! Not that shirt @#*%!!

To make getting ready for an on-camera interview as painless as possible, run thru this quick checklist before you get dressed and remember what White House Press Photographer Association award winner and Director of Photography Murray Pinczuk says, “don’t forget, you are not only dressing for the viewer, but the camera as well.”

I’m Always Surprised…

By taking a few minutes to think things over like the room you intend to use and accounting for background noise, you’ll definitely surprise the videographer–but in a good way– because you will have given it some thought and you’ll get a great return at the end of the day when you’ve accomplished all you set out to do with a minimum of aggravation!